yelling expletives to someone i let in

On this week’s episode of Symone Learns Her Lesson the Hard Way™:

I said “Fuck You” to someone the other day, and had to regather my time, space, presence, energy… the list goes on.

After I said it, I was disappointed in myself for letting someone else’s actions affect me in a manner where my anger lodges itself back at them. Fuel to their fire, and evaporation of my savasana.

I have to be more delicate with myself. I have to be more cautious with others. And I have to because: letting people into my steady, intricate, and comfortable world when they are not worth a dime of my time has left me swaying, and agitated, and yelling expletives at someone I chose to let in.

It’s funny how people can come into your life, and when they exit, you simply cannot figure out what purpose they have served.

But, I guess the purpose is that I have been too trusting with people, too open, and too myself. I cannot let anybody touch my core, my thoughts, my spoken words–me–if I cannot figure out what purpose they are serving in my space. My energy is worth too much to be saying, “fuck you,” to anybody.

So cheers to not giving anyone the time or my precious words (even if they are a string of curse words) when they don’t deserve it. And also cheers to this vacation I’m about to go on–I’ll be serving looks, don’t you worry.

P.S. This whole situation has a looong back story, I’ll be sure to share in the near future.

Thanks for reading y’all!




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